Wednesday, February 1, 2017

4000 training the 3 degrees

It's a new dawn at USAFA, and training staff has so much in store for us. If you're curious as to our last battle with training staff, see the previous post relating to morning PT. Now for the backstory. The training staff, as it were, despises 4 degree training in all it's forms. Despite the last 58 or so years of training freshman, it has now become a disenrollment level offense to train or challenge them in any way, shape or form. Instead, the wing has placed the training focus on a class that has already earned recognition: the 3 degrees of 2019.

This morning, a random 2 degree with the authority of an acorn developed a life changing revelation: We should make the 3 degree cadets take K-tests.  The same tests taken as a freshman.  He must have missed my prop and wings, but what can I say... I've only had them for 8 months.  Subsequently, another lad sent us an email requiring our presence at a briefing.  Instead of ending it with a simple have a great night, he opted to launch numerous threats at our class should we dissent.

Many classes debate who had the hardest freshman year.  Mostly, they're the same and there is very little separation.  However, there is one argument that cannot be discredited: 2019 has the hardest sophomore year.  And what a time it has been.
Image result for usafa class of 2019
One of the upper 2 insists that the 2019ers return to the strips
We return from winter break for another high flying semester of Air Force academics.  Will the condition for the 3rd class cadets improve? Absolutely not. Instead, we are told that we can no longer have non-issued bedding of any kind. My fitted sheet is now a luxury I have not earned, and I'm pretty sure I already used the issued sheets as napkins.  Oh well...

As we trudge towards recognition for the class of 2020, I hope that my class can enjoy a second recognition of sorts, one in which we get our old privileges back. I guess 3 degree year really is the forgotten year.

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