Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Swallow Six

As you sit by your computer now, browsing this blog,you're probably thinking to yourself "wow, these must be the coolest people on planet earth". It hasn't always been this way.  Once we were merely useless high school students free of responsibility and full of dreams soon to be shattered.  And these fine young cadre were the ones to shatter them.
I know what you're thinking... I blurred out their faces to conceal their identity. In actuality, I blurred out their faces to conceal YOUR identity. Time has taught me that these cadre are the most intimidating and resourceful humans on the planet, and they would have seen straight out of this picture and into your soul.  What I'm trying to say I guess is, you're welcome.

Now, regrettably, as a young swallow I nested down near these cadre and tried to learn all I can. Let me describe to you who these strapping young basic cadre from Barbarians Bravo are.

The commander (front left)- Our disgruntled leader, who established himself as a menacing force on day 1 and then lost his voice and was not to be seen for 3 days.  He told us he was raised by bears, wolves, wolverines, barracudas, and other menacing creatures. He often enjoyed screaming "AAAHH" before proceeding to flip our beds.

The sidekick (front right)- our assistant flight comm, a cyber nerd who had striven for a career in cyber but instead got missiles.  He was a pretty cool dude who liked to share motivational quotes and talk about traditions and etiquette.  Dude turned out to be on honor guard, go figure.

Stu- (second from left) This man was basic cadre... supposedly. One time I saw him down the hallway.  On the first day he remarked that we had a long ways to go to earn our prop and wings.  I guess he was right.  After recognition, we became friends but I still barely remember the guy from basic.

Artisan- a mech E who is an awesome dude.  He gave us some solid smack downs and one time I think he told me I needed to stop talking about shark week... his loss.  He up and outed to this foreign country for no apparent reason, hopefully he comes back.

Alex- She was at basic too.  She seemed to have an affection for... well, no one.  We called her sir alot, but modern science has shown otherwise.  Tough luck.

Z- A man who prefers to go by one letter.  This man is older than time itself, and possibly older than the academy at the advanced age of 27.  We were surprised that he did not retire at a C2C, he might have been eligible.  He is fond of electrical circuits and avoiding the horrors of "dirt bag cadets", which he abbreviates as DBC's.

As you can see, the odds were against us.  The fact that any swallows have survived to tell this tale is a miracle in itself.

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