Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Training Staff Strikes Back

The day was September 28th. The time: immediately following lunch and cutting into my afternoon nap. The swallows groggily filed into the SAR for what they anticipated would be another action packed M5 briefing. Strapped in, quiet, waiting, innocent to what was about to occur. It was, and always will be remembered as, morning PT.  A genius concoction by perhaps the most foolish training staff ever assembled.

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The Swallow Seven training staff announces morning PT 
(CS07 photo archive)
96 swallows watched the training staff assume command at the front of the room.  As the eyes of the try-hards and the huahs lit up, the other 94 of us sat in utter silence. Our minds raced. Even for the kiss-ups who often assemble at M5 briefs to assert their dominance and obtain higher MPA's, this was too far.

"You may think I am just taking 2, 30-minute periods of your morning away from you each week. Wrong," remarked one of the training staff.

He spent the next 30 minutes explaining how that was exactly what he would be doing. I guess you can make that 3 30 minute periods for the week. Now don't get me wrong. I enjoy feats of strengths as much as the next guy. What I don't enjoy is waking up early to travel to the quad with my whole flight and marvel at the beautiful concrete as I do some jumping jacks and then go to class sweaty and without breakfast.

Then, in an even more genius move, they decided we need MORE briefings. One extra per week, actually. If that's not great enough, they also announced that to compensate for this extra training, there would be LESS freshman training. So in these thirty minutes we earned morning PT, more briefings, and less badass freshmen stuff that all of swallow seven's hardcore 3-digs went through. The least they could have done is re-award us the Air Force training ribbon. All we have left to do is hope. If you're out there and reading this, avenge us. Quickly.

Wing at ease.

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